place for me to show my gazillion shots

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the lion like me, a leo!! Posted by Picasa

the perfect pic!! i wish i clould explain to you what they all are, but my brain could only take so much info! there is jst so much to learn Posted by Picasa

just exquisite Posted by Picasa

i didnt walk on the buildings or go too close but the people jsutsit on them, its great that the cities are just open for peple to enjoy Posted by Picasa

i really could have spent a whole day here, jsut wlkaing around and looking at all the details on the buildings! Posted by Picasa

these guys were yelling out hello to me! haha, its so weird cos i dont notice but i do stand out alot Posted by Picasa

the fringing! the fringing darling! Posted by Picasa

these are the outer walls of the inner city. i didnt go inside cos they charge quite a bit and i could see so mcuh beauty from outside Posted by Picasa

the announcement bell Posted by Picasa

lovers in the square Posted by Picasa

these buildings are fairly consistent in all the durbar squares Posted by Picasa

these are the main buildings, and thebell is for when the king was to make an announcement or something important happened in the city, to let people know Posted by Picasa

stunning design, do u think i could put in my yard as a gazebo? Posted by Picasa

but the buildings do have wear and tear and are maintained as it is a world heritage site Posted by Picasa

fountain in the square Posted by Picasa

i love the tops of buildings, alignment! Posted by Picasa

they are hindu cities, with hindu temples within them Posted by Picasa

this gorgeous little girl made me gush so much! Posted by Picasa

this is a view from a nearby rooftop Posted by Picasa

this building is jsut stunning Posted by Picasa

the architecture ois jsut amazing,a nd this city is like 1000's of years old Posted by Picasa

me and the main square! Posted by Picasa

the streets of Tah mel in Kathmandu Posted by Picasa

look at the precious little one! i lvoe the nepalese children, theya re all so gorgeous! Posted by Picasa

the royal place!! its still are monarchy- but more like a tyranny Posted by Picasa